The Confluence Garden: A Space For Growing Community
Here at the Confluence Garden we’re gearing up for winter. That means bringing in the irrigation hosing, tucking in the garlic bed with a blanket of straw, building row cover structures to protect our more tender perennials, and battening down the hoop house hatches to enable some winter planting. It also means starting to think about next spring. And, let me tell you, we’ve got some big plans for next spring! We’re hoping to ramp up production in order to supply some veggies to programs at NCI’s Environmental Learning Center, to support the summer graduate program, and to provide fresh produce to the Marblemount Food Bank. We’ll also be expanding our educational programming—working with community partners in the valley and with NCI programs to welcome more students and community members into the garden space than ever before.
Graduate students construct a bamboo row cover for the herb garden.
Gathering up the irrigation hoses for winter.
The Confluence Garden hoop house.
We hope that you join us at one of our community work parties this Spring! Because this garden is more than just a space for growing food and teaching hands-on lessons about food systems, gardening practices, and plant biology. It’s first and foremost a space for growing community, for getting our hands a little dirty as we build connections between one another and the land here in the upper Skagit.
The Blue House and Confluence Garden space in Marblemount.
Thank you for your support! Stay tuned to ChatterMarks for more about what’s happening at the Confluence Garden!
Title photo includes Rachael Grasso and Dan Dubie picking herbs during the fall harvest party at the Confluence Garden.
Written by Alexei Desmarais, Cohort 16 Graduate Student. All photos courtesy of Angela Burlile