Happy National Poetry Month – enjoy Poetry from the Porch videos
Poetry from the Porch is back for 2021! This new reading in our ongoing series features the verse of Kyce Bello from her 2020 debut collection “Refugia,” shared by author and naturalist Lyanda Lynn Haupt. You can hear Haupt present from her new book Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit on May 6 in the Nature of Writing Speaker Series with Village Books. Reading is online and free, pre-register here.
Kyce Bello is a Certified Clinical Herbalist and Registered Nurse, holds an interdisciplinary degree in Southwest Studies and Creative Writing from the University of New Mexico and earned an MFA in poetry from the Institute of American Indian Arts. Her poems explore the contour between language and landscape. Learn more at kycebello.com.
Poetry in the Rain with Tim McNulty: James Wright
Here’s another reading in the series, this time with long-time Institute instructor and friend Tim McNulty, who shares two poems from James Wright from his porch in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains.
Poems from the Porch with Susan Zwinger
Here’s an entry from naturalist, artist, teacher and author Susan Zwinger. The old growth forest near her home on Whidbey Island was a more attractive setting than her porch, so we tromped off into the woods with her to listen to her read a piece that she wrote about her first backpacking trip in Washington State.
Poetry from the Porch with Richard Meadows: William Stafford
This reading features the poem “A Valley Like This,” written about the glorious Methow Valley on the eastslope of the North Cascades, by Oregonian poet William Stafford. Richard Meadows is a poet and former high school Language Arts teacher.
Pandemic Poems with Holly Hughes and Saul Weisberg
And finally, here’s an excerpt from North Cascades Institute’s online poetry reading “Light in Winter: A Dialogue Between Two Poets” on February 10, 2021.
top photo by Hitoshi Suzuki