Discover Birds of the PNW with North Cascades Institute
We’re offering several guided birding adventures in the North Cascades, on the Salish Sea, and online this season to take you where the action is and help you take your birding skills and knowledge to the next level.
See our full list of FIELD TRIPS & ONLINE CLASSES at ncascades.org/classes.
Understanding Bird Biology:
An Online Masterclass with David Lukas
We’re very excited to debut a new birding program this year with a local educator and expert. This series of four Zoom classes offered by Methow Valley author, naturalist and educator David Lukas will each build upon each other, like a short masterclass. The series is designed to follow the changing seasons as we explore some of the key features of bird lives throughout the year. From the structure of bird bones and feathers, to bird songs, to bird colors, and finally to bird nests and eggs, the in-depth topics on bird biology we’ll explore together will forever change how you see birds!
David is a well-known naturalist based in the Methow Valley, author of seven books on a wide range of nature topics and veteran of thousands of natural history tours, classes, workshops, and presentations. David’s most recent project is producing a weekly nature newsletter at lukasguides.com.
To take your understanding of bird biology to the next level, sign up for Lukas’ short masterclass as a series:
- Under the Surface with Bird Bones and Skeletons
Feb 14, 6-7:15 PM - The Wow of Bird Colors
March 13, 6-7:15 pm - Understanding Bird Songs
April 10, 6-7:15 pm - It All Begins in the Nest
May 8, 6-7:15 pm
All of these classes are online and only $10 each! If you can’t make the specific date or time of an online class you want to take, we will send you a link to view the program on your own time for 2 weeks.
Birding Field Excursions
for Everyone From Beginner to Expert

Join us in person for these guided birding adventures at hotspots around the region—on land and sea!
Feb 3: Bald Eagles of the Skagit Valley with with Joe Ordóñez (For last-minute registrations, call 360-854-2599 before 4:00 pm on Friday, Feb 2.)
May 4: Birding Bellingham Bay on the Snow Goose
May 31-June 2: Spring Birding in the Methow Valley with Libby Mills
Scholarships and discounts may be available for in-person classes. Call (360) 854-2599 for more information or to register by phone.

The La Conner Birding Festival February 3-4

This gathering in the Skagit Valley at peak winter birding season invites bird enthusiasts of all levels to immerse themselves in a weekend of avian wonder. Renowned author and artist Tony Angell will be the featured speaker on Saturday evening with the presentation “For Ravens, Crows, and Other Birds, Timing is Crucial.”
Set against the picturesque backdrop of La Conner, this year’s festival features local artists, educational opportunities, interactive displays, and children’s activities. Join us to learn more about your favorite feathered friends, and connect with bird lovers from across the region—and come say hi to North Cascades Institute!
For up-to-date details, visit the La Conner Birding Festival Facebook Page.
Photos and videos courtesy of Eric Ellingson